Post by Onyango Oloo on May 10, 2013 16:31:55 GMT 3
An excerpt from Migritude:
Post by Onyango Oloo on May 10, 2013 16:44:03 GMT 3
There is a lot of stuff about the late Mutula's alleged sexual peccadilloes stuffed in the various Kenyan online gossip rags.
You can google it for yourself.
I am not sure what is true and what is false.
Onyango Oloo
Junior Member
Posts: 75
Post by dineo on May 10, 2013 17:11:15 GMT 3
There is a lot of stuff about the late Mutula's alleged sexual peccadilloes stuffed in the various Kenyan online gossip rags. You can google it for yourself. I am not sure what is true and what is false. Onyango OlooNot just gossip rags, but the Nation, Standard, Star... African women really have a tough row to hoe in this world. I'd be quicker to believe the women than Mutula's 'legend'. Was it a year ago that a young woman, a househelp somewhere sent Mutula death threats over the phone? When the authorities identified her and sought to prosecute, Mutula 'forgave' her, I suppose because he was a man of 'such good character', a Christian and the usual noble etceteras. I wonder now what the real story was. Was she a victim? Did he abuse her? How did she come into possession of his personal mobile number? How old is she? I remember wondering all this then. The authorities should track her down and again and allow her to give her full side of the story. I'm glad Eunice Nthenya is demanding a DNA test and I hope that women's organizations, the press, civil society etc will assist her in her move. If indeed Mutula was a sexual predator, then what a sick b-st-rd he was. Just the thought of him abusing his herdsman's more-than-likely underage daughter (then) is sickening. Well, as they say, it all comes out in the wash.
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Post by Deleted on May 10, 2013 17:45:34 GMT 3
you'll have to throw up all over most men in that country. The powerful act with more impunity when it comes to girls, women and our bodies. They are the kings man. sex is conquest man.
What is wrong with these pricks? If they can't at least wrap it up as they abuse, have any of them ever heard of a vasectomy. Stupid people. If you don't want more children snip snip snip loosers!
Junior Member
Posts: 75
Post by dineo on May 11, 2013 4:36:26 GMT 3
dineoyou'll have to throw up all over most men in that country. The powerful act with more impunity when it comes to girls, women and our bodies. They are the kings man. sex is conquest man. What is wrong with these pricks? If they can't at least wrap it up as they abuse, have any of them ever heard of a vasectomy. Stupid people. If you don't want more children snip snip snip loosers! What has amazed me about conversations I've had with some Kenyans since Mutula's outing is just how so many Kenyan men are incapable of speaking out against sexual violence against women. It's as though they become mute or paralysed when stories like this Mutula one emerge. I also truly believe that many Kenyan men have at one time or another been predators themselves, either touching women the wrong way, not understanding that no does not mean yes, that their friends' daughters, their students, their househelps, the neighbour's kids etc. are not there for them to molest... And for those living in the West, the only thing that stops some Kenyan men from becoming Mutulas is the fact that in the West, they know they'll fry. But once they leave and go home... Based on my experience and almost every other Kenyan woman's that I know, I can honestly say that for many of our men, this predatory culture is standard, par for the course. I can't even think of one woman I know who has not been not treated lewdly by a kiosk man, matatu man, boss, co-worker, cousin, uncle, shamba man, mpita njia etc.... It's the story of our lives, part of our 'evolution' into womanhood back home. We just know it will come..., because it will come. So for me, reading that the CJ Mutunga wrote a ridiculous fawning piece about Mutula just confirms to me that it doesn't matter what clothes or degree many a Kenyan man dons for the most part, because at the end of the day, where sexual violence is concerned, where women/girls are concerned, as you said Kathure, it's impunity. But some women are no better in their thinking, maybe as a result of this reality. Its like they've normalised it. It's 'normal' for us women to go through it which explains why some Kenyan women I know are now rationalizing Mutula's depravity. I was speaking to an older woman today who told me that though Mutula abused girls, we should "just understand because he was sick", that "brilliant people are usually sick". She then went on to say that we should not let this new evidence of his depravity cloud his other "wonderful achievements". I told her lila na fila hazitangamani. The man was evil. For me, I'm glad I'm raising my daughter in the West. Tunarudi nyumbani every now and then but she never leaves my side. Sorry to say, but I don't even trust her around my male relatives. Even though she's a toddler, when we are home as we were for the past year, she stays right by my side. I feel at the least, if it's the only thing I do as her mother, I will save her from those animals.
Post by omundu on May 11, 2013 10:25:37 GMT 3
dineoyou'll have to throw up all over most men in that country. The powerful act with more impunity when it comes to girls, women and our bodies. They are the kings man. sex is conquest man. What is wrong with these pricks? If they can't at least wrap it up as they abuse, have any of them ever heard of a vasectomy. Stupid people. If you don't want more children snip snip snip loosers! What has amazed me about conversations I've had with some Kenyans since Mutula's outing is just how so many Kenyan men are incapable of speaking out against sexual violence against women. It's as though they become mute or paralysed when stories like this Mutula one emerge. I also truly believe that many Kenyan men have at one time or another been predators themselves, either touching women the wrong way, not understanding that no does not mean yes, that their friends' daughters, their students, their househelps, the neighbour's kids etc. are not there for them to molest... And for those living in the West, the only thing that stops some Kenyan men from becoming Mutulas is the fact that in the West, they know they'll fry. But once they leave and go home... Based on my experience and almost every other Kenyan woman's that I know, I can honestly say that for many of our men, this predatory culture is standard, par for the course. I can't even think of one woman I know who has not been not treated lewdly by a kiosk man, matatu man, boss, co-worker, cousin, uncle, shamba man, mpita njia etc.... It's the story of our lives, part of our 'evolution' into womanhood back home. We just know it will come..., because it will come. So for me, reading that the CJ Mutunga wrote a ridiculous fawning piece about Mutula just confirms to me that it doesn't matter what clothes or degree many a Kenyan man dons for the most part, because at the end of the day, where sexual violence is concerned, where women/girls are concerned, as you said Kathure, it's impunity. But some women are no better in their thinking, maybe as a result of this reality. Its like they've normalised it. It's 'normal' for us women to go through it which explains why some Kenyan women I know are now rationalizing Mutula's depravity. I was speaking to an older woman today who told me that though Mutula abused girls, we should "just understand because he was sick", that "brilliant people are usually sick". She then went on to say that we should not let this new evidence of his depravity cloud his other "wonderful achievements". I told her lila na fila hazitangamani. The man was evil. For me, I'm glad I'm raising my daughter in the West. Tunarudi nyumbani every now and then but she never leaves my side. Sorry to say, but I don't even trust her around my male relatives. Even though she's a toddler, when we are home as we were for the past year, she stays right by my side. I feel at the least, if it's the only thing I do as her mother, I will save her from those animals. Ladies, I also have very important ladies in my life from my grandmother, mother, sisters, aunts, friends and most recently, a daughter (long story) and I would go berserk if anything happened to any of them including my female friends. I am totally against abuse to any human irregardless of race, age or gender. Well, including animals as happened at the coast recently. What I find disturbing is when ladies start grouping men in a category. Where does this "most men" come from ? Is it a scientific study that shows "most men" are abusers ? How you raise your kids is and shouldn't be my problem but we even go to an extent of distrusting relatives and lumping them in a category. Do you have brothers and fathers and sons ? I guess all I am trying to say is it is ending up sounding like the old racist "most blacks" we hear often from racist whites. Oohhh. Have you ever asked your male friends for stories about their experiences under lusty eyes of female maids while the men were not even teenagers ? Have you heard all those sugarmummy stories around the world ? How about all those female teachers arrested for abusing their underage male students ? I guess my point is, wrong is wrong, whether female or male. And it does happen all over the world. Yes, both sexes do it. We should not assume most men or most females are bad judging from the evil acts of a select people. Judge me as I am. Not as he is.
Post by b6k on May 11, 2013 18:26:49 GMT 3
What has amazed me about conversations I've had with some Kenyans since Mutula's outing is just how so many Kenyan men are incapable of speaking out against sexual violence against women. It's as though they become mute or paralysed when stories like this Mutula one emerge. I also truly believe that many Kenyan men have at one time or another been predators themselves, either touching women the wrong way, not understanding that no does not mean yes, that their friends' daughters, their students, their househelps, the neighbour's kids etc. are not there for them to molest... And for those living in the West, the only thing that stops some Kenyan men from becoming Mutulas is the fact that in the West, they know they'll fry. But once they leave and go home... Based on my experience and almost every other Kenyan woman's that I know, I can honestly say that for many of our men, this predatory culture is standard, par for the course. I can't even think of one woman I know who has not been not treated lewdly by a kiosk man, matatu man, boss, co-worker, cousin, uncle, shamba man, mpita njia etc.... It's the story of our lives, part of our 'evolution' into womanhood back home. We just know it will come..., because it will come. So for me, reading that the CJ Mutunga wrote a ridiculous fawning piece about Mutula just confirms to me that it doesn't matter what clothes or degree many a Kenyan man dons for the most part, because at the end of the day, where sexual violence is concerned, where women/girls are concerned, as you said Kathure, it's impunity. But some women are no better in their thinking, maybe as a result of this reality. Its like they've normalised it. It's 'normal' for us women to go through it which explains why some Kenyan women I know are now rationalizing Mutula's depravity. I was speaking to an older woman today who told me that though Mutula abused girls, we should "just understand because he was sick", that "brilliant people are usually sick". She then went on to say that we should not let this new evidence of his depravity cloud his other "wonderful achievements". I told her lila na fila hazitangamani. The man was evil. For me, I'm glad I'm raising my daughter in the West. Tunarudi nyumbani every now and then but she never leaves my side. Sorry to say, but I don't even trust her around my male relatives. Even though she's a toddler, when we are home as we were for the past year, she stays right by my side. I feel at the least, if it's the only thing I do as her mother, I will save her from those animals. Ladies, I also have very important ladies in my life from my grandmother, mother, sisters, aunts, friends and most recently, a daughter (long story) and I would go berserk if anything happened to any of them including my female friends. I am totally against abuse to any human irregardless of race, age or gender. Well, including animals as happened at the coast recently. What I find disturbing is when ladies start grouping men in a category. Where does this "most men" come from ? Is it a scientific study that shows "most men" are abusers ? How you raise your kids is and shouldn't be my problem but we even go to an extent of distrusting relatives and lumping them in a category. Do you have brothers and fathers and sons ? I guess all I am trying to say is it is ending up sounding like the old racist "most blacks" we hear often from racist whites. Oohhh. Have you ever asked your male friends for stories about their experiences under lusty eyes of female maids while the men were not even teenagers ? Have you heard all those sugarmummy stories around the world ? How about all those female teachers arrested for abusing their underage male students ? I guess my point is, wrong is wrong, whether female or male. And it does happen all over the world. Yes, both sexes do it. We should not assume most men or most females are bad judging from the evil acts of a select people. Judge me as I am. Not as he is. Omundu I have to fully agree with you. In fact after I post this I will initiate what I believe is the first " LIKE" on Jukwaa. We have had a heated argument with the feministas of Jukwaa on another thread in the past & the late Kasuku (God bless her) was one of the few ladies who came to the defense of African men in that battle of words. Dineo has the right to her excessive paranoia...I just hope she doesn't replicate her complexes on the wee lass. There is good & bad everywhere, even in that land where she believes her daughter is 100% safe. Fools paradise, I say....
Post by abdulmote on May 11, 2013 18:52:24 GMT 3
I think I can understand dineo's 'paranoia', although not her misplaced trust in the West. The only diff in the West is that if should something happen (God forbid), there is then a good possibility of someone being held accountable of their action. You cannot say the same of Africa. Sexual molestations take place everyday and almost everywhere, but with almost total impunity. I am a man and on matters of sex, I wouldn't naively trust men! All it requires is the right place and time and any man can begin to get some ideas, as filthy as one can imagine!
Reality is that human beings are very sexually active and naturally so. But men are more naturally sexually active than women are for obvious natural reasons. That natural sexual makeup can be overwhelming sometimes and commonly so. Unfortunately we are not being taught in schools or anywhere else for that matter on how to tame such wild feelings and instincts. Taming such instincts is something which is left to an individual's device. We can pretend for all we want but reality says different.
Post by johns on May 11, 2013 20:05:25 GMT 3
I take offence with the general comments coming from the men who are making their contribution on this topic here.Its like a mans sexual depravity has to be given meaning for its existence and if not "what about the ladies who do it", they ask. Why must the need of a male prick be given precedence over the rights of women? Is it fair to say or assume that Mutula could have understood and mostly liked the feeling of his 15 year old daughter being coarsed and sexually molested by a over 60 year old man; who still believe that women are toys of mens pleasure?
C'mon people, when are we going to learn that those girls we so wish to screw are somebodys daughter just like we have ours. When an old gizz is on top of a 15 year old girl, do they stop to think that could be their own grand-daughter and how would they like it if someone was doing the same to their sweet kin?
BTW, What's in a dick that would make men feel superior?
Post by abdulmote on May 11, 2013 20:29:53 GMT 3
Those who tend to screw young teens in order to satisfy their wild sexual cravings, are also capable of screwing their own daughters and grand daughters! Oh Yes, they tend not to have any boundaries, believe it or not, and so such reasoning as you allude to above does not come into play.
But hold on; is anyone accusing the late Mutula of being a pedophile?
Post by podp on May 11, 2013 20:57:28 GMT 3
I think I can understand dineo's 'paranoia', although not her misplaced trust in the West. The only diff in the West is that if should something happen (God forbid), there is then a good possibility of someone being held accountable of their action. You cannot say the same of Africa. Sexual molestations take place everyday and almost everywhere, but with almost total impunity. I am a man and on matters of sex, I wouldn't naively trust men! All it requires is the right place and time and any man can begin to get some ideas, as filthy as one can imagine! Reality is that human beings are very sexually active and naturally so. But men are more naturally sexually active than women are for obvious natural reasons. That natural sexual makeup can be overwhelming sometimes and commonly so. Unfortunately we are not being taught in schools or anywhere else for that matter on how to tame such wild feelings and instincts. Taming such instincts is something which is left to an individual's device. We can pretend for all we want but reality says different. yesterday news on local televisions had '12 Arrested For Shooting Porn With A Dog' in Mombasa, Kenya 12 people are expected to appear in a Mombasa court today after they were arrested while shooting a pornographic movie with a dog. They include 11 women and a foreigner. Police also confiscated cameras they were using in the shoot.
Post by jakaswanga on May 11, 2013 23:14:00 GMT 3
yesterday news on local televisions had '12 Arrested For Shooting Porn With A Dog' in Mombasa, Kenya 12 people are expected to appear in a Mombasa court today after they were arrested while shooting a pornographic movie with a dog. They include 11 women and a foreigner. Police also confiscated cameras they were using in the shoot. Podp, I am not sure I understand your point here. There are of course many issues on 'bestial porn', but, apart from the affront to 'official & legal morality', the actors were not under age, as to be positively 'minors' lacking in 'understanding at depth' of the act they were engaged in. But there is a man on this board with the handle b6k, whose humour is Kerala pepper Salaalaa. After posting the police bust video, his sympathies went to the DOG! which/who was the overworked star of the session! Poor Dog! says the animal rights activist in him, sizing up that it was one dog to 11 young women! It is a dog's world I swear! Man's best friend standing in! I think I will go with Peter Tosh: Legalise that thing. Police better catc some real criminals terrorising Bungoma, instead of arraigning in court, poor girls trying to make a living without theft. ---With politicians stripping the treasury to the bone, such are the hard times ordinary Kenyan women have fallen to, if not worse fates under paedophile top honchos!
Post by b6k on May 11, 2013 23:28:03 GMT 3
I take offence with the general comments coming from the men who are making their contribution on this topic here.Its like a mans sexual depravity has to be given meaning for its existence and if not "what about the ladies who do it", they ask. Why must the need of a male prick be given precedence over the rights of women? Is it fair to say or assume that Mutula could have understood and mostly liked the feeling of his 15 year old daughter being coarsed and sexually molested by a over 60 year old man; who still believe that women are toys of mens pleasure? C'mon people, when are we going to learn that those girls we so wish to screw are somebodys daughter just like we have ours. When an old gizz is on top of a 15 year old girl, do they stop to think that could be their own grand-daughter and how would they like it if someone was doing the same to their sweet kin? BTW, What's in a dick that would make men feel superior? Johns, this is the problem of reading without comprehending. I condemn Mutula Kilonzo whole heartedly IF he did indeed impregnate a 15 year old girl. Kindly refer to my comments on the Mutula thread, where I think I was the first to broach the alleged peadophile angle. I believe we are waiting for DNA tests to confirm (or deny) whether he did commit the dastardly act. However, by extension I cannot condemn ALL men based on the acts of a few. That should not be too difficult to comprehend, whether you have a swinging appendage or not....
Post by b6k on May 11, 2013 23:37:19 GMT 3
yesterday news on local televisions had '12 Arrested For Shooting Porn With A Dog' in Mombasa, Kenya 12 people are expected to appear in a Mombasa court today after they were arrested while shooting a pornographic movie with a dog. They include 11 women and a foreigner. Police also confiscated cameras they were using in the shoot. Podp, I am not sure I understand your point here. There are of course many issues on 'bestial porn', but, apart from the affront to 'official & legal morality', the actors were not under age, as to be positively 'minors' lacking in 'understanding at depth' of the act they were engaged in. But there is a man on this board with the handle b6k, whose humour is Kerala pepper Salaalaa. After posting the police bust video, his sympathies went to the DOG! which/who was the overworked star of the session! Poor Dog! says the animal rights activist in him, sizing up that it was one dog to 11 young women! It is a dog's world I swear! Man's best friend standing in! I think I will go with Peter Tosh: Legalise that thing. Police better catc some real criminals terrorising Bungoma, instead of arraigning in court, poor girls trying to make a living without theft. ---With politicians stripping the treasury to the bone, such are the hard times ordinary Kenyan women have fallen to, if not worse fates under paedophile top honchos! Jakaswanga, where is Phil to shout you have derailed the thread? Lest we be accused of taking Jukwaa to the depths of Mashada, all I will say regarding my sympathies with the dog was that HE didn't have a choice (nor was he paid for his efforts) in participating in the film whereas the mzungu cameraman & the 11 pooch lovers did...
Post by jakaswanga on May 12, 2013 0:03:15 GMT 3
Podp, I am not sure I understand your point here. There are of course many issues on 'bestial porn', but, apart from the affront to 'official & legal morality', the actors were not under age, as to be positively 'minors' lacking in 'understanding at depth' of the act they were engaged in. But there is a man on this board with the handle b6k, whose humour is Kerala pepper Salaalaa. After posting the police bust video, his sympathies went to the DOG! which/who was the overworked star of the session! Poor Dog! says the animal rights activist in him, sizing up that it was one dog to 11 young women! It is a dog's world I swear! Man's best friend standing in! I think I will go with Peter Tosh: Legalise that thing. Police better catc some real criminals terrorising Bungoma, instead of arraigning in court, poor girls trying to make a living without theft. ---With politicians stripping the treasury to the bone, such are the hard times ordinary Kenyan women have fallen to, if not worse fates under paedophile top honchos! Jakaswanga, where is Phil to shout you have derailed the thread? Lest we be accused of taking Jukwaa to the depths of Mashada, all I will say regarding my sympathies with the dog was that HE didn't have a choice (nor was he paid for his efforts) in participating in the film whereas the mzungu cameraman & the 11 pooch lovers did... Okay, let us desist from Mashada depths of own volition before the Original One comes with the whip! But I think we can rely on PETA paid up member Manofletters to guide us through animal rights on a specially relevant thread!
Post by johns on May 12, 2013 0:45:15 GMT 3
Johns, Those who tend to screw young teens in order to satisfy their wild sexual cravings, are also capable of screwing their own daughters and grand daughters! Oh Yes, they tend not to have any boundaries, believe it or not, and so such reasoning as you allude to above does not come into play. But hold on; is anyone accusing the late Mutula of being a pedophile? Abdulmote & b6kWhat is there to comprehend because it matters not to a man whether its tomato or tamoto? Ask yourself, what causes a man who is already married turn around to "check" a girl or someones wife whenever he comes across a female? What thoughts do you imagine raises within such a twisted mind before he turns to look back, happy and jolly thoughts i suppose? Its without a doubt that Man is a depraved animal; given a chance he will deploy his depravity and sick mind more often than his brain whenever he comes across anyone of "breast wearing a skirt". So to pretend like i am out of context when i point this out is right out hypocritical. This does not need a qualifier. What we should be discussing is how men can learn to give respect and honour to women in the same manner they regard or demand the same.
Junior Member
Posts: 75
Post by dineo on May 12, 2013 3:54:27 GMT 3
I think I can understand dineo's 'paranoia', although not her misplaced trust in the West. The only diff in the West is that if should something happen (God forbid), there is then a good possibility of someone being held accountable of their action. You cannot say the same of Africa. Sexual molestations take place everyday and almost everywhere, but with almost total impunity. I am a man and on matters of sex, I wouldn't naively trust men! All it requires is the right place and time and any man can begin to get some ideas, as filthy as one can imagine! Reality is that human beings are very sexually active and naturally so. But men are more naturally sexually active than women are for obvious natural reasons. That natural sexual makeup can be overwhelming sometimes and commonly so. Unfortunately we are not being taught in schools or anywhere else for that matter on how to tame such wild feelings and instincts. Taming such instincts is something which is left to an individual's device. We can pretend for all we want but reality says different. Abdulmote, Thank you because your post in its entirely should be appended to mine because we are saying the same thing, though I have no "misplaced trust" in the West. I just have faith in its judicial system. The extreme number of cases of pedophilia here are evidence of the fact that it appears that many Western men are no different than their counterparts back home. They just tend to get caught more, because women and girls here are quicker to defend themselves by accessing available help. I have no faith in the law when it comes to sexual crimes in Kenya/Africa. Nor for that matter, do I have faith in many men's ability to see the depravity for what it is. b6k, Thankfully, my excessive paranoia is equaled by that of my husbands, who is maniacally protective of our daughter, I think moreso because being a Kenyan man himself, he is well aware of the excesses of his brethren back home. I think from conversations with my husband, I have learnt more about the widespread sexual depravity in many Kenyan males than I could ever have learned on my own, from my negative experiences back home as a woman, or from the negative experiences of the many Kenyan women I know who've faced in varying degrees, the perversion of some of our men. I thank God that my daughter has the father that she does, because he has tasked himself with bringing her up to know her worth. If that is a "fool's paradise", then we are doing good. Omundu, I'm glad you love and protect the women in your life, but like someone here said, what does the one have to do with the other? Does the fact that there are some twisted women (like maids who lust after their employers) somehow negate the high degree of sexual violence against women and girls in Kenya? Or that the violators get away with it?
Post by OtishOtish on May 12, 2013 4:58:01 GMT 3
I for one do not think think you are in the least bit paranoid. I may comment later, but for now a few brief ones ...
* There are deep and fundamental biological differences between men and women---what makes men ths "dogs" that they are. Those need to be appreciated and dicussed in a "delicate" way. I think failure to do so just leads to a mindless "gender war".
* There are many aspects of African culture that are very "anti-woman". These need to be ackowledged and discussed and not just accepted as "this is our culture". Even "culture" should evolve.
* The idea of law-and-justice in Kenya is generally laughable in almost all cases; a sensible person would do well to avoid getting mixed up with the police and the judiciary. It is especially bad in regard to sexual violence against women: my own observations from growing up in Kenya is that there are numerous rapes, and even more attempted rapes, that never get reported to anyone. Just taken as "par for the course" stuff.
* There are many aspects of Kenyan/African "culture" that require an honest, and perhaps "brutal", discussion, especially in the matter of man-woman relationships and "it".
To be continued ... but I would prefer a different thread that is independent of Kilonzo. (This being Kenya, it can be hard separating truth from malicious & "enjoyable" fiction about the "mighty".)
Post by mank on May 12, 2013 6:14:22 GMT 3
I treat with lots of suspicion anything negative that is said about a person who has mysteriously met his death. Who knows ... perhaps his killer planted all the nonsense so gossipers can pick up and spread it about, in the process incriminating the victim.
I think Jukwaa is tripping. Too much gossip these days....
Post by b6k on May 12, 2013 7:53:25 GMT 3
b6k, Thankfully, my excessive paranoia is equaled by that of my husbands, who is maniacally protective of our daughter, I think moreso because being a Kenyan man himself, he is well aware of the excesses of his brethren back home. I think from conversations with my husband, I have learnt more about the widespread sexual depravity in many Kenyan males than I could ever have learned on my own, from my negative experiences back home as a woman, or from the negative experiences of the many Kenyan women I know who've faced in varying degrees, the perversion of some of our men. I thank God that my daughter has the father that she does, because he has tasked himself with bringing her up to know her worth. If that is a "fool's paradise", then we are doing good. Dineo, I recall listening to a show on BBC radio a few years ago (I forget which show it was) where one participant brought up an interesting factoid. That globally you tend to find that one out of three children in any given household were not fathered by the mzee of the house, usually unbeknownst to him. That is not to say that in every household you will find one "out-grower" (or technically that should be an in-grower) but just that on average there is a lot of horsing around carried on by our women-folk, be they of European, Asian, or African estraction (keep in mind some African cultures actually encourage this practice...a natural way of improving the DNA pool in a family I suppose). Where am I going with this you might be asking? I would hazard an educated guess that even when it comes to sexual predators, you may find the numbers of depraved individuals also averages out to roughly the same wherever you may be. I will grant you that prosecution of the same predators will be a darn sight better in the western world, once they are caught, but that does not in any way make your daughter any safer. Once the crime is committed, how do you truly right that wrong? If she is by your side in Africa, then you ought to consider doing the same 24-7 monitoring anywhere there are male individuals in your midst...hence my fools paradise comment....
Post by destiny on May 12, 2013 8:18:55 GMT 3
Powerful and poignant. That's how I can describe this poem. About Eunice Nthenya, that really shocked me when she came out claiming Mutula fathered her baby. If DNA results turn positive, that he indeed fathered that kid, then we have a huge scandal which could have legal implications. The lady is 23 years old. Her son is 7 years old, so it means that IF indeed Mutula fathered her kid, the poor daughter of humble peasants was just 16 years old- a MINOR! Some clever Kenyan told me that if that's the case, it then looks like poor Nthenya was impregnated when she was around 15 years old!! The clever Kenyan went further backwards and said we can assume that their relationship started an year earlier when she was 14 years old!! Whether Mutula did this or not, the scumbag responsible needs to be exposed fast!
Post by b6k on May 12, 2013 9:38:19 GMT 3
I treat with lots of suspicion anything negative that is said about a person who has mysteriously met his death. Who knows ... perhaps his killer planted all the nonsense so gossipers can pick up and spread it about, in the process incriminating the victim. I think Jukwaa is tripping. Too much gossip these days.... Mank, I'm scratching my head wondering whether someone has stolen your password in this new look Jukwaa & is posting on your behalf. No one is talking about Mutula's sudden death which you refer to as a "mysterious" death. The circumstances behind that will come to light in about 8 weeks (one has since past) so hold your horses on that "our lives are in danger"angle, although I think they ruled out heart attack already. We are talking about the serious allegation raised by 23 year old Eunice Nthenya that Kilonzo is the biological father of her 7 year old child. A child she bore when she was 16 years old & if you read into Destiny's timelines, whomever the father is, sired when Nthenya was 15 years old while her own father was Mutula's employee! A child for whom Mutula personally cleared the KES 4,000 maternity bill & reportedly paid for it's upkeep (child support) until his sudden & untimely demise at his "Valhalla" residence. A case she is striving to prove through the auspices of FIDA who formally wrote a letter to Mutula's widow which she promptly ignored. A fact (that Mutula has an "out-grower") his brother-in-law Chris Musau alluded to when he said they are prepared to accept all claimants claiming to be raising little Mutula's as there is enough of an estate to serve everyone's needs. All of this has been reported in the main stream media not the usual gutter press so when you say Jukwaa is tripping itself over "gossip" I wonder which rock you are living under where impregnating minors is not a disturbing issue. This is not about Mutula per say but what he allegedly did to this lady when she was 15 to 16 leaving her now at age 23 with a 7 year old son to raise alone. www.nation.co.ke/News/-/1056/1846018/-/w5syt6z/-/index.htmlUnless you have also taken the mantra that the DAILY NATION is a PNU rag then here is the same on The Standard, albeit an abridged version of the FACTS ..... www.standardmedia.co.ke/?articleID=2000083208&story_title=woman-claims-mutula-fathered-son
Post by kamalet on May 12, 2013 11:53:45 GMT 3
When the Nthenya story came our, I was left a very disgusted person and wondered why anyone would praise such a predator at his funeral knowing what he does to children.
Post by Daktari wa makazi on May 12, 2013 12:08:38 GMT 3
I treat with lots of suspicion anything negative that is said about a person who has mysteriously met his death. Who knows ... perhaps his killer planted all the nonsense so gossipers can pick up and spread it about, in the process incriminating the victim. I think Jukwaa is tripping. Too much gossip these days.... MankYou owe all of us an apology! There is no gossip here, it is the truth. Mutula was simply a pedophile.
Post by mank on May 12, 2013 19:52:02 GMT 3
I treat with lots of suspicion anything negative that is said about a person who has mysteriously met his death. Who knows ... perhaps his killer planted all the nonsense so gossipers can pick up and spread it about, in the process incriminating the victim. I think Jukwaa is tripping. Too much gossip these days.... Mank, I'm scratching my head wondering whether someone has stolen your password in this new look Jukwaa & is posting on your behalf. No one is talking about Mutula's sudden death which you refer to as a "mysterious" death. The circumstances behind that will come to light in about 8 weeks (one has since past) so hold your horses on that "our lives are in danger"angle, although I think they ruled out heart attack already. We are talking about the serious allegation raised by 23 year old Eunice Nthenya that Kilonzo is the biological father of her 7 year old child. A child she bore when she was 16 years old & if you read into Destiny's timelines, whomever the father is, sired when Nthenya was 15 years old while her own father was Mutula's employee! A child for whom Mutula personally cleared the KES 4,000 maternity bill & reportedly paid for it's upkeep (child support) until his sudden & untimely demise at his "Valhalla" residence. A case she is striving to prove through the auspices of FIDA who formally wrote a letter to Mutula's widow which she promptly ignored. A fact (that Mutula has an "out-grower") his brother-in-law Chris Musau alluded to when he said they are prepared to accept all claimants claiming to be raising little Mutula's as there is enough of an estate to serve everyone's needs. All of this has been reported in the main stream media not the usual gutter press so when you say Jukwaa is tripping itself over "gossip" I wonder which rock you are living under where impregnating minors is not a disturbing issue. This is not about Mutula per say but what he allegedly did to this lady when she was 15 to 16 leaving her now at age 23 with a 7 year old son to raise alone. www.nation.co.ke/News/-/1056/1846018/-/w5syt6z/-/index.htmlUnless you have also taken the mantra that the DAILY NATION is a PNU rag then here is the same on The Standard, albeit an abridged version of the FACTS ..... www.standardmedia.co.ke/?articleID=2000083208&story_title=woman-claims-mutula-fathered-son B6K, I appreciate you setting me straight on what this is about ... I will explain how I missed it, but let me start by apologizing to everyone, just as I am asked by Sadik. Indeed I missed what this is about - this is how: I don't like knowing anything negative about a man after his death. It is for the same reason I don't do wakes. So I thought this story was all about painting Kilonzo as the man who deserved his death for the way he lived. Thanks to you, now I know it is about a living person, Eunice Nthenya. Hence I tender my apology - humbly. I will even go back to the top of the thread and acquaint myself better with the story.